CRAP LA!! y is it taking so long to be 4.30..ughh! why can't they put iCarly at 4.00 or something!!! It would be so much easier or me!!! Btw, DEEPA!!!! Can you freaking come online!! i've been waiting for like two hours...then in like 10 mins i'll go offline and then you'll come online and then i cant talk...SCREW IT LA!! you owe me an IM you idiot! No offense macha! hehe:) Anyway, ITS ONLY 4.21 HAIIIIIIYOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Y SO LONGGG WAN??????? STUPID ASTRO LAR!! can you guys tell me wat else i can do on facebook cause its starting to become really boring but i like facebook and i still wanna use it!! so tell me some stuff...oh yeahh, i wanna get some music for my blog but so crappingly lazy to go to mixpod.com lol! :) ok its 5 more mins to 4.30 so i'll post tomorrow ya?? TIME TO WATCH iCarly!!! ayayayyyyyyyay!! AWESOMENESS
p.s: pls pls pls(x100) write in my Cbox!! Im desperate plssssssss!! (pleads and gets down on her knees) THANK YOU!! HIHIHI! :)