
haha ;) i have no idea what im am doing!! i was trying to slide down and hide my face cos Dee kept making fun of me in front of Cikgu Hadif about 'someone' LoL!
haha! There poses the birthday boy!! or should i say GaY! birthday boy!!! hehe :) HIs 2nd birthday party today was a heck of a awesome!!! It rocked shitlessly.hehe ;) Duudess and duudettess who came for the partayyy are ;
Lol! Guess what present we bought for teacher?? CALVIN KLINE PERFUME!! yeahh...Its his fave one!! AWESOME!! He said that he got lots of perfumes,but the one we got him was like the one he really wanted. My computer is really useless sometimes!! nvm..lol..I like that pic of me when im sticking my toungue out. heeh ;) sweat much?
if you want to see more pics go to bells's and ashiee's blogg. they've got more pics than i do. kayy? pls comment ya?
so anyways, during the party dee kept calling her cousinm bro. And talking about stuff. How shud i know? i dont speak Tamil! :) but im trying to learn la. =.='
And while she was talking to her cousin bro i kept shouting "heyy..MACHHAAA!!".."SUPP MANN??" I WAS LIKE CRAZLILY hyper during it. we also went to Blook and i saw the dress dee bought to wear to the ACTUAL parttayy.the dress it freaking nice. no.shit. LoL! ITS Purple!! hehe ;)
okayy.. im gonna end this post now. dont worry..im gonna post another one now.