me and my bro are SUPERNERDS!!
one of the pics i took during the cutting of my cake at home.
YEP. so i just turned 13. how awesome is that? VERY. hee-hee. i just wanna say thanks to all of ya''ll who wished me early or late or in between. hehe. thanks yea? i was SUPPOSED to get my red converse on sunday but NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! THE STUPID PEOPLE DIDNT HAVE STOCK. alamak!! why la macha? why?! :S
anyways, i want more people to sign my yearbook so imma bring it 2moro and ya'll are gonna sign. kayy?? hehe :)
my bro and khai are watching THE FINAL RIOT!! woohoo! kayy...imma watch it with them soo..GOODNIGHT AND SLEEP TIGHT (sorry, im just crapping)
byebye :)
#this time were not giving up, lets make it last forever, screaming hallelujah#