this book is so beyondly awesome. eventhough im only at page i dunno, 177 or so its so good. you guys should really read it. NERDS HONOUR. anyways, i already did a post earlier on sarah's b'day but thought i'd just do another one since i have nothing else better to do. :P hehehe.....
my bro iswatching a goofy movie. LOL. and 90210 is on. BUT NOOOOO ..he doesnt wanna watch it. and he just switched off the tv like 5 seconds ago. haha. mummy is somewhere..i dunno where..but she's somewhere. haha. and my darling daughter is back. i missed you like crap AZUREEN. oh yeah, i have to tell ya'll something...today right after sarah's party my cyn and ash took two bottles of coke and ran away. no larr..we asked permission. hihihi. then they brought it to class and now...i have no idea where those bottles are. LOL.
...oh! today right... SOMEONE said that SOMEONE was like me. and i told that SOMEONE who told me that i don't like the other SOMEONE cos that other SOMEONE is lame. :))))))))
im awesome. :) ==
okayy...thats all for today. chiaos. :)
come on, come on,
get up,get up,
lets go, won't you follow me,
lets go wont you follow me?