;rock is what keeps me alive.
kudos to you hayley and Paramore.
yowh yowh yowh. how's it hanging guys? well, today is my mommy's birthday!!! my real mom of course. haha. she's umm..ok..this is kinda embarrasing but i dont know her age. LOL. what?! people forget stuff sometimes okaay? anyways, yeah, we just had pizza for lunch. (two times in a row for me) and later were going to this japanese restaurant i dont where. anyways, right niw. everybody in my house is taking a nap except for well, me la. i know right? crazy people. hehehe...aite. tmorrow got school. (urgh) and yeah we have to perform the dikir barat thingy thing thing. and i am so darn nervous man. scared we'll screw up. nevermind i just gotta pray that everything will be fine. lol. ok. since i didnt post the whole week. let me give you a run down for school. alot of crap going on. THOSE LOW LIVES BULLYING MY DAUGHTER: YOU BETTER WATCH OUT. STAY AWAY FROM HER. okay? im asking nicely. stalkers (AGAIN) gosh. not much studying. well, for me anyways cos of the dikir barat. i only studied on Monday,tuesday and wednesday. i didnt on thursday and friday cos of the dikir barat thing. ms. shermalin can dance btw. :P haha. Yeah, so thats preetty much it for this week. lol. my dad's watching this lame kung fu thingy on tv. and now he just switched to csi. sorry, im just looking out for stuff to write in here cos i know its seriously boring. lol. haihh..what to write what to write. oh!i know..HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA! ;) ;) AITE. i guess thats it for now guys. will post again soon. bub-byee. :P
i've got a lot to say to you,
i got a lot to say,
i notice your eyes are always glued to
keeping em' here and it makes no sense at
crushcrushcrush/ Paramore.