sOrry bout' the pic. I didnt know it was gonna turn out so bad and unclear. (considering the small and vaguely gay brain i have) tee-hee!
YES! i CAN FINALLY READ HUNTED! but first i've gotta finish this kerja kursus crap. I'm more worried about Geo eventhough im already (almost) done. I don't really care about sejarah cos we have to write it down and not type. And we can write cacated also and teacher wont mind. hehe :)
I'm right now just blogging and staring blankly at the computer screen. I'm chatting to like so many people online. seriously. Like six people all at the same time. LoL! :)
Ash, natasha, susie,kyle(NAOMII!) AND some other dude. These people seriously got no life wan...I mean, they come online to talk 2 ME! ME? ITs me for crying out loud! Why would you wanna talk to me? :) LoL. tHANK god my internet is working. or else i'll be like so emo right now. I'm shitlessly getting addicted to this blogging crap. Not that i dont like it but getting some excercise would be better than getting square eyes in front of the computer. Don't you agree?
okayyy..i'll mAYBE post later..