what it do ladies? haha. me plus school equals dying of boredom . anyways, im talking to azu online now. and well, she's being well you know...azu. :P haha. my lovely daughter. okaay, later i got sejarah, kh and geo tuition. GREAT. can't freaking wait. anyways, nothing much to say larrr. veli veli boring lor. :P haha. ma and ash were like dying during lunch time. she, i dunno why. me? because of THAT person. THAT slimy green ewwyyyy. (azu's word) yeah, that THING. urgh. haih...dunno what to do about IT already. clueless. lessclue. pssh. sorry i like to crap. :)
oh! oh! oh! ON THE OTHER HAND IM SO DARN HAPPY! you wanna know why? because IM GOING SEREMBAN!! (soon)
ooh yeah..its gonna be so awesome. i get to see sharanya and khirtinaa and tharani and the twins and naviin and jega and ohmygod so many of them!!! can't wait. icantfreakingwait. :P
eheheh. nada to say. so i going to go now. happy kwanza ya'll. whattheheckiskwanza? :P
in my head,
i see you all over me,
in my head ,
you fulfill my fantasies.