HEY TAYLOR. WHY ARE YOU SO SAD? oh i know why. because ALEX LAMBERT GOT VOTED OFF AMERICAN IDOL. urgh. i need to swear so badly but i can't cos well i dont want to. how can they vote alex off? aarghh. i need to cry. :'( screw this. at least aaron kelly is still in the competition. thank god for that. ok. i dont want to talk about THAT anymore. it makes me sad. aaaanywayssss, today was cross country and it was awesome!!! well, it was awesome for me cos for the most part i didnt run cause i was one of the scouts who volunteered to help the teachers to do some craps. ASHLEEEE congrats brotherr. you are number one AGAIN. well, im not actually surprised. the Winter family is an athletic family anyway. hahaha. that russian dude is AWESOME. ( i dont know how to spell his name so i'd rather not mention it and spell it wrong) yeah, so he was so fast. me and ian were the ones to wait at shool and when the runners come back we have to tell them to run around the field once then finish the race. so i was there chilling being me, and the i looked behind and i saw that russian dude coming and i was like "HOLY CRAP! THAT WAS BARELY TEN MINUTES!" and all the yellow house teachers were going crazy. when he came into the school field i told him to around the field once and he was STILL running eventhough he was so far ahead than the rest. my god. after he started running i shouted at him "brother, its ok you can walk!' hahaha. seriously, we had to wait like ten minutes AFTER he came for another person to come. THATS how far ahead he was. okay, anyways, there's one whole week of freedom ahead of me and i can't wait. oh yea, that reminds me, my next post will have all the paramore concert pics. sorry for the delay. my brother is lazy to put it in the computer. blame him not me. oh. oh. oh. the tree in my house fell today. haha. the rain la. thank god it didnt fall on either of my dogs. anybody, wanna come watch alice in wonderland with me? please say you do. :) oh yeah! spm-ers from last year got their results yesterday. hope ya'll are happy with your results. good luck in college. :) okaay, i gotta go.
ps: me dad is listening to some whitney houston music. gawd. ;)
You know you love me,
I know you care,
and i would never, not be there,
You are my Love,
You are my heart,
And we would never ever, ever be apart.