sup my brothers? nice pic huh? i know, i know. aaaanywayssss, i just got some breaking news. (well..actually i knew about like a few days ago but i was lazy to post so i'll say it now) JOSH FARRO is getting MARRIED. ;) yeah! eventhough im happy for him and all, he's gonna take abreak from touring this year(to prepare for his wedding i think) and Taylor's brother 'JUSTIN YORK' us gonna be filling in for him. don't worry paramore fans: he's coming back to the band. he just needs to prepare for holy matrimony. hahaha...anyways, i've been using the computer every single day during the hols. i know, my brain wont be able to work afetr this week. hehe. but i am kinda happy to be seeing my friends and acting like complete idiots with em' you guys know what i mean. ;) well, as usual my bro is either eating, sleeping or doing something like that..somewhere. my dad's at work (SHOCKER) and my mom's still in milan. *SIGHS BIGLY* god, i dont have a life. which reminds me, i like watching Life on 711 now. its fancy. and i like KYLE XY too. AWESOME show. my other favourite besides American Idol and Glee. aite, guys that all for now. bub-bye. :)
p.s: Baby by justin Bieber is stuck in my head. :P
your world, is my world
and my fight is your fight,
my breath is your breath,
and your heart.
one time/ justin bieber.