Thursday, June 3, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
i used to know you so well.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
you say the sweetest things. :D
ps: i got the SEESTERS thing from azu. :P
i give it all my oxygen,
so let the flames begin,
so let the flames begin,
oh glory, oh glory
Sunday, April 4, 2010
;you treat me just like another stranger.

Sunday, March 28, 2010
today is yesterday 's tomorrow. :\

Friday, March 19, 2010
you're so contagious. ;)

Monday, March 15, 2010
heartache sucks

SUP MA BROTHERS? doesn't he look so AWESOME in that pic? (its my screensaver) well, actually my wallpaper. but i've always wanted to say that. tee-hee. anyways, i woke up at 1.30 today. i know im such a bum. hahha. anyways, just a short post. i know, surprising right? since i always do like essays of posts.i figured i should do a shortayy one. oh and if any of you wnt to read hayley williams blog please go to tumblr is like blogspot but i think kinda better or something. but you can't use colours and all for the text and all that stuff and no shoutmix either. so yeah, i think i'll stick with blogspot. :) and if any of you either want me to die of boredom or scream until i die then keep NOT updating your blogs. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update. -_- i doesnt have to be a long. all im asking is for words on the computer screen. haha. i sound like a loser. (well, i am so..) aite loves. i'll be updating at the end of the week. have awesome hols ya'll. pls comment. :) bub-bye :D
without you,
i live it up a little more everyday,
without you,
im seeing myself so differently.
Friday, March 12, 2010
whatever it takes.

Thursday, March 4, 2010
you make it hard to be faithful ;)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
under my umbrella. :]

Thursday, February 25, 2010
It's you i can't live without.
heyhey. the exams are o.v.e.r. = OVER! haha. and my writing is very very big hyper. :D okay back to normal. :P haha. anyways, as i said the monthly tests are over and my maths was horrible. you have no idea people. tomorrow, i got dance practice tomorrow. can't wait. okaay, was watching amrican i dol. and aaron kelly was well, how do you say not so good. but i still heart him. i think alex lambert is AWESOME. :) and so is casey james. today's show was hilarious. kara has a crush on him. ;) danesh was so bumbed bout' that. LOL. i dont really like season 9 cos there's nobody that like AWESOMEST (xINFINTIY) that kinda thing. not like last year, you know adam and allison. so yeah.. not that stoked about season 9 (yet) but you know what i am stoked about: PARAMORE IS IN LESS THAN 2 WEEEKSS (10 DAYS TO BE EXACT) ;) haha. okayy. i gtg now. sleepy. ;)
belawesomeloves. :)
and i don't wanna fall in love.
Friday, February 19, 2010
anyways, other than that i didn't do much. (: wow. the only interesting that happened this week was on wednesday : went out with sathya, cyn etc. it was an EPIC study group man. haih.....but i went back early so yeahh.... okayy...oh!oh! oh! oh! oh! guess who's going to seremban today?!!!! I AM. my brother loser ditch me don't want to come. he wants to study. haih... brother's..tell me bout' it.
oh yeah, and today right i opened my e-mail and got 66 mails. wtf? I just opened it yesterday and it was empty and now got 66. most of the mails were obviously from Facebook. (of course) argh. OH YEAH, and i got a really funny question "do you think VIMALNATH is pretty?" i most fell off the chair laughing. :))))) i answered " vimal's a boy. but if he were a girl then yeah, i guess he would be pretty" LOL
sometimes fb has the most idiotic questions. really. haihhh...okay i have nothing to blog about now. oh wait. lemme go check if its anybody's birthday today. then i'll do a shoutout. hold on.
*checks of its anybody's birthday*
BACK. nope. its nobody's b'day. uhoh. azu just tweeted that bryan beat up martin? what? why? and how? this is weird. :S anyways, martin's tweet said that he was fine so...chill zu, they have doctors there ( i hope)..okaay, i gtg EAT now. bub-bye. :)
well you stood there with me in the doorway, my hands shake im not usually this way but you pull me in and im a little more brave its the first kiss its flawless, really something, its
Saturday, February 13, 2010
ican'twait. :P
Friday, February 12, 2010
sorry im just crapping. i've been doing that to zu alot lately. lolx. anyways, today DEE came to school. AWWWW, YEAHHH....
when i saw her i just got so bloody hyper started screaming like a maniac and hugging her. ask her. lol. and you wanna know what the even better news is? I GOT MY PARAMORE TICKETS TODAY. AWWW YEAHHHH....... haha. singapore and paramore here lakshmeeeee comes. hahah; cant wait till the concert. wootwootwoot. i hope SOMEBODY else comes cos i dont want to be stuck with my bro only. LOL. okayyy....did you know that some of the people in american idol are so horrible. haih...tak malu langsung tau/ ishishish. haha. okay rught now i gtg. cos my daddy wants me to stop using the com. so yeah...byebyebye loveslovesloves. :)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
so amazingly funny. haiyoo.
hahha. tomorrow, got marching practice. nevermond lah. saturday can chillax. hehhe. ;p
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010
bioluminescent ;]
happy happy happy happy happy happy birthday my NOW 14 year old friend. may all your wishes come true machaaa. :P have an awesome b'day.
Okaayyy...anyways, my mom and dad are watching like this really violent movie about gorillas and hunters and some craps. xD. seriously, my paarents are so crazy. :P haha. oh yeah guess what? today when i came back home from school. i watched ned's declassified and then i slept from 4.30 till' 7.00 :o it think i got amanda's disease. lol. sarah can't talk anymore- she lah so smart shout the whole day when her voice was already bad. haha. only you la sarah. :) dad was watching the single ladies video. oh emm geee. that is so gayy man. :P funny daddy. :P okayy.. i gtg finish my bm karangan and EAT.
Thursday, February 4, 2010

anyways, can't wait till' tomorrow. i can see sham and su and the rst again. yeepeeee. sorry if im boring you to death with this insanely boring post of mine but ..THATS ME. psssh, ok. im gonna go now. byebye. ..:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

cos when your fifteen...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
heyheyhey. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY GRANDADDY AND SHAN2 who's unfortunately already left for india. have fun there baby!! she's coming back in April so can't wait to see her again. good luck in your exams mannn. anyways, my granpa is now OFFICIALLY 84. i know,i know he's still young. :) the whole family's going out later. fancy. :D
oh. SITI NUR AZUREEN AZLAM BINTI ABDUL AZIZ (johnson) is coming backkkk. i can't wait to see my kid. :) MISSED HER ALOT. hahaha. anyways, school tomorrow again. ew. i dont want!! school sucks. i wanna go study in india. so much better. talking to geethanjali on facebook. :P pretty awesome huh? sorry just crapping due to boredness.
nothing much to say so gonna stop now and go blog hopping ya'll. bub-bye. :P
Thursday, January 28, 2010
gonna miss you shan. and also vivian and grace and chris. didnt get to spend much time with ya'll this hols but the next time we definitely will. have fun in india ya'll. :) (:
oof. i wanna go o india too. take me with you please. :) preetty, preettty pleeaseee. with ten thousand cherries on top. oof.
anyways, my tuition teacher didnt come today so NO MATHS TUITION. *jumps for joy*
haha. okayy. thats all for today okay?? see ya'll soon ;P
;lakshmeee WILL be back;
Sunday, January 24, 2010
you are my air.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
i hereby, pronounce me LAWESOME pizza orderer. :D sorry just crapping, haha. nobody is tweeting on twitter. eesh. so lame. dee!! tweet something already. i need to reply something/someone. cos right now my latest tweet is "iknowyouwantme :)" pssh. soory could'nt think of anything else. chatted with sarah just now. haha. can't wait till feb2. ;) you guys know why.
anyways, im stuck at home and ro just came back from the leadership camp. :P can't go to coll today cos MUMMY DEAREST has some lame wedding reception to go for. uggh. i wanna go see saswiny, khai, wen, and the rest of the lamos. GOSH! DADDY DEAREST is out at some charity golf game. pssh. men and their golf. :D anyways, pizza supposed to arrive in half an hour. im waiting. so hungry....oof. okayy, i know this post is like..really like...lamee..but likee..ok i should shut up. :) anyhoo, BROTHER DEAREST has been taking a shower for like almost a freaking hour. uuhh. OOHHHH!! THE PIZZA JUST ARRIVED. ok loves, i have to go eat now. byebye.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
im depressed cos i didnt get to see dee at school yesterday because i didnt go. aww,mann. blame my broken back. :) i hope wen's knee is better since she had a pretty bad fall too. :S anways, today the astro people came and installed the astro b'yond thing to my house. my dad bought it cos the SPORTS channels are so clear. its true. its like the game is being played right infront off you. so cool. :P brother is studying. pssh. la-mee. :P
besides that school was the same. ahha. oh yea, me and ash kept walking around the corridor (with permission of course) during art time. so funny. cikgu Nik kept asking us whether we had class or not. :D damn funny. only us la. i miss my azuu!!!!! :(((((((((((( where are you? oh yea,in mekah!! :( i miss your retardedness. :P just joking la machaa.
i owe sun alot of money. (ps: sun is cynthia) she bought me nuggets fries and a drink today. :0 sorry sun. i'll pay you back. lol. im so bored right nowww. eesh. i probably should go start on my homework, but..i WON'T. i'll reply an email from sharanya first. :D then, then..NO i still won't get started. :P
but i better stop blogging cos BIG BRO. is getting cranky.:S
Sunday, January 17, 2010
jaan. :)
haha. sham, su, saswiny and i were fooling off after the waterfall trip. lol. the person who is wearing the dinosaur thingy on her head is su. lol. i laughed so hard at that man. Speaking of the waterfall, me and sham had a fall. and now my back hurts so bad i cant even walk properly. here's what happened : sham wanted to step on a rock to get down to the other side so i asked her to go first. the minute she stepped on the rock: she slipped and fell and screamed. and then i was like shouting at her to be careful. and then after that, i pulak stepped on the rock and slppied and fell on my bum. the first time was not that painful but then when i got up again and i slipped and fell AGAIN. THIS time i hit my spine and it was like i felt it vibrating. so bloody painful. :'( sorry, guys i'll be walking really slowly tomorrow. :) if i even come, since i can;t even walk. even when i cough it hurts. urgh. :P
su was like telling me to go see a doctor. i think she may be right. :S
alright..thats all for today. i'll be back on friday: as i said im limited to computer use. so byebye.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
;;;;;;;distance :(
anyways,got a new teacher for science who's replacing ms.lee for a while during ms.lee's pregnancy leave. so yeah..her name is hazel. o.0 awesome. haha. school today was aite. so bord right now. was talking with sarahh baybayy. and both of us decided to go cetak rompak. haha. ash and i went totally bonkers today during chinese and I for that matter have no idea why we were laughing so hard. haha.
besides being LAWESOME, it was my daddy's b'day yesterday. and he's so old..he's 47. ehehh. :P no la. we had japanese food at a place called kinpachi or something. the food was awesome. :D
hehe, okay..i have nothing else to say (for now) keep rocking on and being LAWESOME. :P aite??
loveparamoreforme. <3
Sunday, January 10, 2010
why do i keep loving you?
nyways, school is aite. homework's crazy. teacher's MOST of em' awesome. :)))
best thing about this week was saturday when the first week of school was over. and i FINALLY got to go to dance class again. and went to 'heaven' at night. haha. its okay, you dont have to understand to read my blog. :] saw saswiny and shaarm and su and the rest. oh yea, and CASPER'S down from australia!!!!!! freya, his sis' couldnt make it this time but two of the YS from australia who are casper's friends came down with him.
i didnt get to talk to them last night but hopefully will get the chance next saturday when we go to the waterfall. :P can't wait.
tomorrow's monday and school starts again. great. == nvm. its just five LONG days. i dont wanna learn. :p dady wants to buy me ice-creammmmm. byebye :P